Monday, March 05, 2007

The Ultimate Surf, Solid Trust, Dolphin PTR, Every Man's Monitor, Blog Submittal

Nick at The Ultimate Surf is still hanging in there and is urging members to do the same. He has no new news on the money he is waiting for and is just trying to be patient.

Solid Trust, a private program, is thinking about changing terms. First option is to become a MutualFund Investment Group where members need to submit tax info. Second option is to become a Subscriber Advertising Club, no tax info would be required, but upgrades would expire. This option may include a nominal monthly membership subscription fee. It would also include these benefits:

1) your personal SolidTrust email!
2) personal or business webspace on the SolidTrust servers!
3) FREE personal/business online daytimer and organizer account
4) FREE website templates and website management scripts
5) Preferred Member status at the new SolidTrust Auctions site when it is ready (20% reduction on all fees!)

Well, I'm not submitting tax info & I'm not interested in paying a membership fee.

I joined another PTR. This one is called DolphinPTR. $3 min payout by paypal, 10% referral commission. They also have paid to signup offers. Emails are 1 or 2 cents.
BTW, today ClixSense has a couple 5 cent offers. This site really adds up fast.

The new EveryMansMonitor has now launched. If you are looking for new sites to join, check it out. The is one of the few reliable monitors out there. If you have a site you want to advertise, check out MyRandomDownline. Your site will be advertised at the forum and at the monitor site. $6 a month, so it's pretty cheap advertising.

If you have a blog which needs more traffic, try this site for a huge list of sites to submit your blog info to.

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