Admin of MyRandomDownline have called it quits:
Dear MRD members,
As most of you are probably aware, interest in myrandomdownline has been waning since the first month. In fact, interest in the paid to surf and High yield has been waning for over a year now. Jason and myself were looking over facts and figures regarding the top get paid to forums out there and it speaks volumes as to the state of the make money world- TalkGold for instance is down nearly 20% in traffic over the past six months.
Obviously, the whole reason for myrandomdownline was to give people who have a hard time building a referral base a way to maximize their profit potential. The project hinged on building a huge subscribership in order for this to be effective. Given the current state of the get paid to world, we feel like this is just not going to happen. With such a small membership base, we feel like it is time to call this project a failure and move on to bigger and better things.
Anyone with a balance in MRD can still cash out. We will give you 7 days to do so before yanking the site from our server. The following sites will be shut down:,, and For those of you who stuck with us, we appreciate you more than you will ever know.
Thanks for giving this site a shot.
Leo and Jason
Too bad. I dropped out of MyRandomDownline after the first month as I didn't get any referrals and few clicks. I did like the forum though. I'm just not much of a forum poster as I just don't have the time.
Also check out
Drunk's World for more info.
Generation 12 update:
Sorry I have not updated your sooner.
Generation 12 Advertising is back up and running. We have processed all refund request we have received. If you still have not requested your refund please do so from the Members menu.
We are back up and running full speed. Yesterday was one of our biggest days since our launch March 2nd.
We are still working on the Alertpay Script for Deposits. I am sure it will be up by mid week.
If you have any questions please use our Members Support System.
Thank you again.
Sue Martin
Generation Advertising Admin.
I haven't yet, but plan on going back in. This time with just a minimum upgrade. update:
Dear Members:
Good evening members. I just wanted to keep you all up to date on how things are going. All of you know about problems that e-gold has been having and as of now the only way that this has effected swift-hits is that alert pay is not accepting money from e-gold. This means that the current members who have upgrades with alert pay may see a short delay in payouts. Do not worry I am working on making sure your payouts will happen. This will not effect e-gold users. Even if things stay the same with Alert pay (with them not accepting any money from e-gold) once all of the current upgrades expire things should be back to normal. Of course if any one has any concerns or specific questions then contact me and I will do my best to address your concerns. I basically just wanted to send this email and let everyone know that things are still going well.
I told everyone that i would always be upfront and honest with that being said..i think that's about it.
Do not be afraid to upgrade!..If you wish!
You all know i got yer backs! :)
Have a good afternoon!
This one is a nice, quiet low ROI site.