Making money online not working out? Looking for an offline job? How about the construction industry? There is a website based in the UK called ConstructionSkills which offers construction
employment training.
Construction is the UK's biggest industry. There are 700 different types of jobs with around 2 million construction workers and there is always a demand for more workers.
For employers, taking on an apprentice helps benefit the business by developing new talent while still getting work done.
For a person with little experience, becoming an apprentice lets you earn while working and learning new skills.
An experienced person can prove and enhance their skills by gaining a qualification and CSS card through On-Site Assessment and Training (OSAT) or Experience Worker Practical Assessment (EWPA). By the way, you need a CSS card in order to work construction in the UK. If you don't have a card, many sites won't let you work. 2010 is the goal for the UK to have a fully qualified workforce, so no card, no work.
There are many different providers who offer construction related training. There is even a National Construction College.
If you are in the UK and looking for a new line of work, construction might be worth looking into.