The latest from
Just a few things to bring you up to date.
At last, we only have one site to run, this is so much better.
Andrea is currently going through the list of members to be paid both that are outstanding from last month, due to the missed surfing days being added, and this months pay, once she has finished doing this, she will send out an email to make sure, no-one has been missed, please wait for that email, before chasing for payment, it is in hand, you will be paid soon.
Sen, our programmer is working on the script, to sort out any tiny bugs. You should now be able to submit a website, upgrade, submit an abuse report, and see banners in the PTC area. He is now working on being able to change the settings, so that you can surf more sites, as many of you have rightly requested that. I have put some more banners in the PTC area, they are of traffic exchanges that work for us, together with an ebook on how to get the most out of traffic exchanges, if you use them.
There has been some concern among some of the members about upgrading with egold. I can understand your concerns however, I would like to re-assure you, that I have contacted egold myself, and have been told all is OK, however, if you would rather not upgrade with egold, but want to upgrade, you can if you wish, sign up to another account with us, and upgrade with alert pay, this is of course up to you, but you may feel safer doing this. You will need to surf both accounts to be paid.
Finally, I have updated our blog, and hope to do so again before the end of the week. If you post a comment, I will add the points you have gained towards your free upgrade, please see the terms for further details.
If I have missed anything out, or you have a query on the .com site only now, feel free to contact us, or if you have a problems with the .net site, please do let us know, so we can work on solving them, thank you.
Until next time.
Miriam Potter
Trickle Down Cash
Dear Members:
I just wanted to drop you an e-mail saying that if you come to the site and it says" Not availble" or something like that, DONT PANIC!.
later this evening we are gonna upgrade the script. ( qiuite a BIG upgrade as well).
So if you come home from work to find the site not there, you know why.
In my next e-mail i send out, i will let everyone know where to read about the script upgrades and changed and stuff like that. I will also e-mail everyone letting them know when were back online.
Have a good day!