Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Ultimate Surf, Dolphin, LSG

Payment received from The Ultimate Surf. I re-upgraded for another cycle. Upgrades here are only $1, so after this cycle I may reupgrade with a very small amount for another cycle and then I'm getting out. My plan: no more upgrading until the site dies, get out while you're still ahead.

If you haven't already, be sure to check out the new site from Drunkonlife.

I'm really excited! I checked out Dolphin's blog this morning & boy was I surprised to see a link to my blog. Then I went over to Technorati to see if anyone else was linking to me and LSG is also linking to me. Wow! I can't believe it! They are good bloggers with good info, so I'm really excited they are linking to me. A big THANK YOU to you guys! It's good to know I have readers & I'm not just writing to myself.:)


Anonymous said...

Hey you ...

Yeah, I've been reading your blog regularly lately .. you do a nice job .. so it's only natural to include you :) Us bloggers need to stick together :: smile ::

Keep up the great work ...


Ice Princess said...

Hey Dolphin,

Thanks for the compliment.
You do a good job at your blog too. I always look forward to reading it.
I agree, bloggers do need to stick together. Blogs are a good way to get honest info.