Latest update from The Ultimate Surf says payouts are going well. I have an upgrade expiring tomorrow, so we'll see how quick payments are. This is a site which has been around a while. Apparently it had problems & is now trying to turn things around. Payouts for old pendings are being made along with new pendings. The admin is communicative & appears to be honest. This site is Mrsvee recommended, so I decided to give it a try.
SlamDunkAdvertising egold payments are taking a bit longer than usual, as Robert is waiting for some egold to come in. A few terms have also changed: payouts will automaticall occur 7 days after your upgrade expires, you need to be upgraded to receive payment & free members no longer receive referral commissions. This may be a red flag, so proceed with some caution. Robert is also the admin of Profound Hits, which has been around for a long time. Until the stormpay scandal, he was paying regularly. Robert is very honest and is here for the long haul. The change in terms should help the site.
Spent part of the day trying to get an 8 meg file ftpd. What a pain in the butt with dial up. I use Netzero's Highspeed 3G. I installed Cablenut and what a difference that made autosurfing. Simply amazing. Anyways, I tried using firefox's ftp plug in, got to 54% complete & my internet connection died. Restarted. Retried ftping a few times, but just couldn't get very far. I downloaded an application called FileZilla. It supports resume on uploads and after tweaking the timeout settings, I'm at 47%, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed it finishes. By the way, FileZilla is free. I really think some of the best software is free. OpenOffice, free & is awesome. Seems to do most everything Microsoft Office products do and doesn't cost hundreds of dollars. I'll probably never buy another computer with Microsoft Office products now that I've discovered OpenOffice.
If you have dial up internet & are always getting kicked off, you might want to try signing up at this site: Storm Surf Traffic. It's a completely free autosurf. I downloaded an application which was supposed to keep my internet connection from disconnecting. All it did though, was randomly visit various websites, which is exactly what autosurfing does. Since keeping Storm Surf Traffic running, my connection has become more stable. It's definitely not foolproof, but I think it does help, so give Storm Surf Traffic a try if you are having trouble maintaining a stable dial up connection.
Time for dinner, and my ftp upload is at 59%! Woohoo, FileZilla!
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