Tuesday, April 03, 2007

MrsVee's matrix, Bloggers

MrsVee has launched her matrix. Check it out here, if interested. This is DanishAmericanSurf's referral link.
A little info on the matrix:

* 3x9 Forced
* $10 Fast start bonus for all downlines you personally sponsor-
* WEEKLY payouts based on those earnings above ($10 minimum)
* Inclusion in the surf site to come in approximately 2-3 months--we are building this NOW.
Plus you get Mr's V's reports on AdSurfing programs

MrsVee knows her stuff, so it should be a good opportunity for those who join.
I don't do well with matrices, so I'm passing. BTW, MrsVee has moved her blog here.
Speaking of blogs, a bunch of autosurf bloggers are calling it quits. Netzen, Surfboard - check out his blog for links to other sites he will still be maintaining, SurfBloodhound, Jude at HYIPBlog. Good luck to them.

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