Tuesday, June 26, 2007

17SurfPro, TrickleDownCash, Dr-Surf

Received payment from 17SurfPro and reupgraded.

Also received a suprise payment from Dr-surf.

The latest from TrickleDownCash isn't very reassuring:

I am sort of back!

I have a new computer now; I gave Dell such a hard time, that they had no choice in end, however

I am still having connection problems, so Andrea is still running the ship as it were until these are solved.

I expect many of you will have noticed, that there is something wrong with the front page of our site.

Basically we have been hacked overnight. Andrea and I will be discussing the best way forward, and will let you know.

Please do not surf, just in case it messes if up further, thanks.

Have a great day.


Trickle Down Cash


Payments here are behind with the excuse Miriam's computer went down. Although Andrea is the one who supposedly does payments. Anyways, hold off on this one for the moment. It's been paying for around 3 years, so maybe they can straighten things out.

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