Friday, August 10, 2007


Surprisingly enough I received a very small payment from TrickleDownCash. About 1/10th of what I'm owed, but at least it's something. Looks like they won't be opening a new site after all. Here's part of the update:

I am currently going through the list of members who upgraded from

the 9th April to 25 June – when we had the hacker attack, (75 days, being the

length of an upgrade) this is some of the money that we owe you, you may

have more coming, keep an eye in your inbox,

for more payment email, and please do vote if you belong to a forum, thanks.

At the moment, I am paying members who upgraded, with egold, and then we will move onto

Alert pay, and then …… watch this space on the blog for further details!

I am delighted to tell you that I have just paid you, the usual admin fee has been deducted.

Please check your egold account.
At this stage, neither Andrea nor I, are going to be starting a new site, I know that some members

would like that to happen, my priority is to pay our members, as soon as possible, this is more important

to me than setting up a new site, but who knows what will happen in the future.

Finally, you may like to check out our blog, I will continue to post any sites that our working, and paying, I will

sort of be a guinea pig testing them, then if you like you can join as well. The url is below:

Once all the members are paid, if there is any money left, I will be distributing it between the members,

I will post when this happens on the blog, so it might be worth you book marking it.



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