Thursday, November 30, 2006

CashSurfin', Robin Scorpio, 12 Days of Christmas

Latest update at CashSurfin' says site should be back online by the weekend.

General Hospital FYI: Check out Dr. Robin Scorpio for Robin's daily diary.

Tomorrow is the launch of the 12 days of christmas free online marketing info & tools. I'm looking forward to this. I think my website is pretty good, although I should add articles & I like having a blog. I'm confident of the autosurf sites I'm in, so I just need to start promoting. So far it seems time consuming. There's a ton of information out there. It's just a matter of picking through & finding the good stuff. Hopefully the 12 days of christmas has some good stuff. Don't forget, it's all free, so give it a shot.

Check out this site to keep track of how many clicks your site is getting. Seems like a useful site.

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